How to get Lucky Pokémon in Pokémon Go

how to get a lucky trade

Is there a special shiny that you really want a Lucky version of? Are you sick of rerolling Legendaries one day at a time trying in vain for a Lucky? Maybe you just can’t seem to get that Lucky Lapras you need. The best part about this kind of Lucky Trade is that there is no right or wrong answer.

  1. Lucky Pokemon are obtained by trading Pokemon with friends.
  2. That being said, I would recommend focusing on harder to fill Lucky Dex slots, like regionals and Legendaries before moving on to more common things.
  3. This, in conjunction with their halved power up Stardust cost, makes them potent options for creating a battle-ready team.
  4. That being said, if you have a Lucky Friend, send over a powerful Legendary or pseudo-legendary Pokémon to make the most of the bonus.
  5. If both of the Pokémon in the trade are different ages – one from 2016 and the other from 2018, for example – the community suspects that Pokémon GO will calculate the average age of the Pokémon.
  6. You can even become Lucky Friends more than once with the same player.

How to Guarantee a Lucky Trade in Pokemon GO

On one hand, it is the best Ground-type attacker in the game and will be for quite some time, likely only ever being beaten by Precipice Blade Groudon whenever that comes out. Decent Lucky Trade target if you are interested in Master League PvP. It’s more the limited need for a Ground attacker than Precipice Blade FOMO that keeps me from rushing to do a Lucky Groudon Trade.

Trading for IVs and Lucky Pokemon

It also doesn’t require a legacy/exclusive move to shine which makes it easier to trade for. After you become Best Friends with another trainer, every friendship interaction has a chance to make you Lucky Friends. Niantic hasn’t revealed the exact odds for this happening, but it seems to be relatively rare. So, you may need to send daily gifts to your Pokemon GO Best Friends for a while before ever seeing a Lucky Friend. First, you’ll need to raise a friendship to the Best Friends level by exchanging daily gifts over time.

Once you trigger the Lucky Friend bonus, it will stay in effect until you trade with that friend. Your trade is a guaranteed Lucky Trade, meaning you should both get a Lucky Pokemon out of the deal. Once you trade, you return to being standard Best Friends, and you’ll have to trigger the Lucky Friend bonus again. how and where to buy bitcoin in the uk The mistake that I think everyone is making is that they are sitting on their Lucky Trades too long and trying to come up with the perfect Lucky Trade.

Weavile has more DPS while TTar has way more survivability. ripple price latest xrp charts ripple coin coin news Choose whichever you prefer if you can’t get a hold of the Ghost attackers in this article first. There are ways to increase your chances of Lucky Pokémon — and a way for the trade to result in a guaranteed Lucky Pokémon every time. In our Pokémon Go Lucky Pokémon guide, we’ll explain how to get a Lucky Pokémon and the benefits for doing so. When you’re Lucky Friends with another trainer, the next trade you make with them is guaranteed to give you a Lucky Pokemon.

how to get a lucky trade

What Pokemon should I hold on to trade for IVs?

A star of the current Kingdom Cup, Bastiodon is a bruiser. Has the powerful Smack Down fast move and the tankiness to go for days in trainer battles. It reaches 1539 CP at level 40 with 100% IVs so you can imagine the importance of having great to excellent IVs if you want to optimize old shield face for battle. Shieldon candy is not always easy to come by, but at least you can reduce the dust cost.

Master League

There are a few asterisks on this special treat, though, as if having to have such an old Pokemon wasn’t bad enough. First, the trainer who is trading the Pokemon from July or August 2016 cannot have been involved in ten or bitcoin gold price prediction 2021 more guaranteed trades using this method, whether they were given or received the Pokemon. If Person A and Person B trade a Pokemon from July 2016, then try to trade a second one, the second one is subject to the same odds as any other trade and isn’t necessarily Lucky. However, Person B can still do this guaranteed method with Person C and be successful.

Niantic gutted this possibility by randomizing both Pokemon’s IVs on trade and preventing traded Pokemon from being traded again. Instead of a means to shift high IV Pokemon between accounts, trading is more of a one-time chance to re-roll a Pokemon’s IVs. It’s also the only way to obtain lucky Pokemon, which have a 50% discount on Stardust costs for power-ups. This article presumes that you have a stable trading partner. Treat it as a bonus for playing rather than a precious resource that you don’t want to waste. At the end of the day, this is a friendship feature in a mobile game, not a life-altering decision.

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